All change

Jul 26, 2013 | Sculpture

“Art in the Garden” has been cancelled, there is no turning back, like before it means to be be flexible and adapt, accepting that life rarely works out as planned, what unfolds instead makes somehow sense. I am not in control, even if I kid myself that I am…enough of philosophical thoughts on “how to cope with disappointment”. I have been carving along on “stone 1”, nearing completion, many weeks ago I mentioned the bliss of starting to see forms emerge, a similar satisfaction is the tweaking of forms at the end, bringing out the best in forms and their connection between each other, reflecting constantly the flow inside the mass and adjusting the outer visible form to internal form movement. As you can see on the image below I started to sand down some of the form, discovering bright, bright orange veins running through the stone. It is hard to keep positive, encouraging myself that it is worth spending hours in dust, noise and isolation for the sake of form…looking at the image I am proud of what has happened, not as planned but hey with that I am back to where I started…I am not in control.

26.07.2013 stone1

26.07.2013 stone1

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Ann-Margreth Bohl