Casting beeswax

Apr 7, 2013 | Light, Research, Time

At times it is difficult to make connections between the different explorations but knowing that life itself moves in anything but a straight line I go along with where my nose takes me….thanks to my colleague and friend Anna Usborne I have been able to explore the first steps of mould making and casting. A totally new process to me and so different from carving in stone, naturally drawn to opposite materials and processes, I am intrigued. Form found in solid cold hard mass verses hot liquid poured into a form to recreate a shape. The first cast in beeswax of a pebble moved me as the pure form of the stone was apparent but the “stone” that I removed from the mould was warm, smells delicious and is light in weigth.

Casting beeswax, April 2013

Casting beeswax, April 2013

I quickly moved on to making moulds of random objects and obsessively casting them. I am not sure how relevant they are to me at this moment but I am going to continue getting to know this new technique.

Casting beeswax, detail

Casting beeswax, detail

Casting beeswax, detail

Casting beeswax, detail


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