After carving a few lime stone spheres I am thinking about what determines their forms and to be honest I am quite confused. On the one hand I am trying to follow my instinct rather than research the physics of sound on the other hand I have a very limited...
Category: Research
‘For You’ – model for light installation
This is the beginning of a light installation that can be viewed as part of the Good On Paper Fringe Event - 28th August, 5pm at St. Laurence Church, Stroud GL5 1JL.
Shadow Dimensional
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Mine surveying and 3-D scanning
As a stone carver...thinking about where the rock comes from and how it is quarried, here something visual for my thoughts...
A time & a place – New Brewery Arts, Cirencester
'A time & a place' work by Ann-Margreth Bohl about artist residencies. Starting 17th January 2015 Ann-Margreth is a german born artist working predominantly with natural materials stone, beeswax, graphite, string, leather etc. Through the process of...
is use of material the one for this job ? I want to work with light and shadow, freely available every day and night but how can a material highlight certain qualities of it and which once do I want to highlight? When using graphite I noticed that even though the marks are dark,...
Bronze casting
My fascination with fire led me to try my hand on bronze casting, I could never quite understand it when explained to me, I had to see it for myself. Soon understanding that indeed a lengthy and complicated process lies behind the ancient...
Mould making
Making moulds, it went well days ago, but this time it seemed not straight forward when all of a sudden two pints of plaster poured out of my constructed frame, gritting my teeth the damage was cleared away and I discovered today that the moulds are fine, even...
Casting beeswax
At times it is difficult to make connections between the different explorations but knowing that life itself moves in anything but a straight line I go along with where my nose takes me....thanks to my colleague and friend Anna Usborne I have...
Artwork For Sale
I draw to think and get a feel for a subject I am interested in.
View all of my artwork for sale.