Nothing was different to other days when I went to my workshop…even got myself some new smaller and dished grinding disks to find better access to some areas in the stone. I was suddenly aware of the limitations of the way I am working this heavy lifting equipment, no possibility to mount the boulder on a turntable and power tools eating their way into the material, I haven’t got the dexterity (yet!) to work the form to satisfying precision at that speed. So, back to hand tools for the subtle working out of the form and sorting out a way to put the sculpture on a plinth/stand so I can view the form all the time from all sides. I am glad in some ways that I feel the need to do that, a longing to move through the stone rather than staying on one side. I have gained a understanding how form penetrates in all directions. A challenging day but as my friend Wim says ” making sculpture is constant problem solving” oh it sure is and I normally thrive on that but some days it feels like all is “grinding to a halt”.

Stone 1, 16.05.2013