is use of material the one for this job ?

Jun 18, 2014 | Drawing, Light, Research, Slider

…so I want to work with light and shadow, freely available every day and night but how can a material highlight certain qualities of it and which once do I want to highlight? When using graphite I noticed that even though the marks are dark, the silvery metallic shine can dominate, confuse (first image)…covered with tracing paper subtleness moves in (second image). Once this drawing was complete I realised I mixed many things together (reflection, projection, light, shadow) separating the different aspects out to clarify is the way to go…perhaps…

graphite on black background, covered with tracing paper, June 2014

graphite on black background, covered with tracing paper, June 2014

graphite on black card covered by tracing paper, June 2014

graphite on black card covered by tracing paper, June 2014


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Ann-Margreth Bohl