Limited by tools

May 10, 2013 | Musings, Sculpture

New grinding attachments are needed to create a variety of forms, might try to use my stone carving tools, but have a feeling the stone is to brittle to take it. Grinding the stone is gentle and appropriate on this type. It is frustrating to undercut or round off a form but the grinding disk is too big to do the job (or am I to inexperienced with the grinder?! is there a saying “never blame your tools?”). I had a good week, the forms have taken on much more shape and direction if still clumsy looking.

Stone 1, 10.05.2013

Stone 1, 10.05.2013

Stone 1 side view, 10.05.2013

Stone 1 side view, 10.05.2013

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Ann-Margreth Bohl