Rococo Garden, Painswick
It was not planned but as it happened this course is situated in a snowy setting, any excuse to light a fire is a good one. The spirit was not dampened by this everlasting winter, after the first day many new forms appeared in wet, frozen lumps of stone, some carvings had already weeks of thought and work put into them before they arrived at the Rococo Garden today. Here a few impressions of the weekend.

Bothy, Rococo Garden

Stone carvings in progress
- Alfresco coffee break, Rococo Garden

Students hard at work in the Bothy, Rococo Garden

Fire outside the Bothy, Rococo Garden
At times a fire can be a true inspiration and here a carving of me keeping the fire going ;-).

Motived Urn, Rococo Garden
The following carving was started and completed by a stone carving novice during the two days we worked at the Rococo Garden. I was amazed how despite the freezing conditions all students worked incredibly hard and discovered new forms and solutions within their carvings. A big thank you to all of you being up for a eccentric weekend. Watch out their might be another one March 2014, but before then there is of course the summer stone carving course at the Rococo Garden/ New Brewery Arts (02.03.04.of August 2013).

Student piece at the end of weekend course at the Rococo Garden