So here am I thinking about materials and their meaning, thinking about processes in materials. The question for me now is how to apply my work visually to my thoughts and research. I have plans to use wax in stone, why? Stone is a ancient material, a material we all walk on, solid and fragile simultaneously. Stone has been used as one of the first materials to give way to the impulse of humans to communicate form…Beeswax is a young material, it is soft, warm, can melt. Made with a huge amount of effort and applied in mind blowing precision it creates and protects the home and livestock of the bees. Beeswax as art material is versatile, it can be melted, shaped into a form, can create it’s own form and make gravity visible, I am only starting to understand this material. I am drawn to stone and beeswax as they are both natural materials and they come from polar opposites, which has a fascination for me. Something came to my mind over the years of working with stone and visiting quarries, human’s ripping the earth open and using the gut of it, material millions of years old, a symbol of human attitude towards nature. Bees are suffering from the exploitation we are displaying and bees are essential to our survival. Using beeswax in carved stone, the hope of a visual bridge of contradicting actions.
I want to share with you an experience I had last winter, it was just before Christmas, I walked through London, I had a bad day and it was raining. I was lost, wet and tried to make my way to the British Museum to look at the Korean ceramics. I was not allowed...